The chief minister of Maharashtra on Saturday announced an assistance of Rs 5 lakh ($7,061 in U.S. dollars) for the kin of each individual deceased in an industrial explosion at a building under construction at a pharmaceuticals complex in Palghar, India.
Uddhav Thackeray also directed the government to provide full medical assistance to the injured, a government Twitter account states.
The death toll in the Saturday explosion stands at eight Monday morning. The National Disaster Response Force, an Indian disaster response agency, reported that the building collapsed due to a boiler explosion. However, news outlets widely report that the explosion was related to chemicals being tested at the site.
Witnesses heard the blast as far as 15 kilometers away. Two other buildings in the complex were damaged.
Meanwhile, in the industrial city of Vadodora, five people were killed and several injured Saturday in an explosion at an industrial and medical gas manufacturing plant.
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