About 630 gallons of crude oil discharged into Tabbs Bay in east Houston from an out-of-service wellhead is contained and in the process of being removed, the U.S. Coast Guard reports.
One mile of shoreline near Baytown, Texcas, is impacted and approximately 840 gallons of oily water has been collected.
Over 6,400-feet of boom is deployed in three stages to contain the spill. Vacuum trucks and a floating drum skimmer are on-scene to collect and recover discharged crude oil and prevent impact to the Houston Ship Channel and the surrounding environment.
Nearly 12,500-feet of absorbent material has been placed along the shoreline and workboats are onsite to collect soiled absorbent boom.
The Coast Guard and the Railroad Commission of Texas and are working to secure the source of the discharge.
The cause of the discharge is under investigation.
Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston Incident Management Division and Drone Team, Coast Guard Marine Safety Unit Texas City, Texas General Land Office, Innovative Energy Services, Gaither Petroleum Corporation, the Railroad Commission of Texas, contracted Oil Spill Removal Organizations and Texas Parks and Wildlife personnel are involved in the response.
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