Gordon Lohmeyer (left) and Robert Moore - Screencapture Via YouTube

Gordon Lohmeyer (left) and Robert Moore

Screencapture Via YouTube

Gordon Lohmeyer is assuming the leadership role of the Emergency Services Training Institute, one of six agencies that compose the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, TEEX announced to annual school instructors earlier this month.

As ESTI division director, Lohmeyer replaces Chief Robert Moore who has accepted the chief operating officer position for TEEX, the parent state agency that offers training programs and technical assistance to public safety workers both in Texas and worldwide.

Replacing Lohmeyer as ESTI executive associate director will be Chris Angerer who serves as public sector program director for ESTI.

Lohmeyer joined TEEX in 2004 with 20 years of experience in response and emergency management, as well as environmental health and safety, in the oil and gas and petrochemical industry. He served in a variety of leadership positions, including fire chief and emergency response coordinator for Texas Petrochemicals LP.

During his tenure with TEEX, he served as hazardous materials program coordinator, and in 2007, he was promoted to private sector program director, where he oversaw all industrial training operations in fire, rescue, hazmat and international programs for 20,000 students annually.

Lohmeyer is a Certified Fire Protection Specialist (CFPS), a Certified Hazmat Technician and Specialist, and holds various NFPA certifications. He is a graduate of Blinn College, Sam Houston State University and San Jacinto College.

He received the TEEX Distinguished Service Award and is a graduate of the TEEX Leadership Development Program.

Angerer enjoyed a 26-year career with the Lubbock (Texas) Fire Department where he rose though the ranks to become deputy chief of operations, managing 17 fire stations and 350 firefighters. Following his retirement in 2012, Angerer joined the Texas A&M Forest Service where he spent four years as chief response training coordinator for the TFS Incident Response Department. He was also emergency services branch director in the Texas Division of Emergency Management state operations center.

He has also served as the fire academy and fire technology coordinator at South Plains College and as an instructor with the Wolfforth Fire Academy.

Moore, who replaced Les Bunte as division director in 2011, is a former assistant fire chief and paramedic for the Channelview (Texas) Volunteer Fire Department. He received an associate of applied science in fire science from Blinn College and completed his emergency medical technician and paramedic certification at Lee College.

A graduate of the TEEX Leadership Development Program, Moore is a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, National fire Protection Association, Board of Certified Safety Engineers, State Firemen’s and Fire Marshals Association and SFFMA Industrial Emergency Service Board.

Moore learned the importance of planning early in his fire fighting career. In July 1990, while at the Channelview VFD, an explosion and fire killed 17 people at an industrial chemical complex on the Houston Ship Channel.

To make matters worse for Moore, he also happened to be the safety supervisor for the chemical complex.

“I have the dubious distinction of being one of the fire chief at a chemical plant that had a major explosion with a massive loss of life,” Moore told responders attending the Xtreme Industrial Fire and Hazard Training in April 2017.

The explosion and fire affecting an area of the complex comparable to a city block originated in a 900,000-gallon chemical waste tank. Unbeknownst to plant personnel, a chemical reaction in the tank’s contents began to generate a pyrophoric fuel/oxygen atmosphere.

When the tank exploded it hurled its 24-ton roof into a parking lot 600 feet away. All the fatalities resulted from the initial blast with no other casualties reported.