Assembly line at a Honda Motors plant. - Screencapture Via YouTube

Assembly line at a Honda Motors plant.

Screencapture Via YouTube

A flash fire involving an electrical panel at a Honda automobile plant in Suzuka, Japan, left two workers with serious burns Sunday morning, Kyodo News reports.

The fire happened at about 9:15 a.m. following the shutdown of a blast furnace, police told Kyodo. The injured workers were checking the flow of current through an electrical power distribution board when the fire occurred.

One worker suffered facial burns while the other received burns across their upper body. Both workers are in their twenties.

Colleagues found the two collapsed on the floor after the sound of an explosion, Kyodo News reports. While the distribution board was charred no burns were found on the door that protects the board or on the floor nearby.

The plant is scheduled to resume operations Monday.