Aftermath of the July 3 fire at Egide USA in Cambridge, Maryland. - Screencapture Via Rescue Fire Company

Aftermath of the July 3 fire at Egide USA in Cambridge, Maryland.

Screencapture Via Rescue Fire Company

Egide USA's facility in Cambridge, Maryland, USA, is pleased to announce that its glass to metal sealing and brazing assembly processes, High Temperature Co-fired Ceramic process and various inspection departments are fully operational. The facility is running at 50% capacity, due to logistics of providing off site plating operations. This has been accomplished only two months after the fire occurred on July 3, 2020, which mainly affected the plating department.

The reconstruction of the facility damaged by the fire (specifically the roof and the plating workshop) is currently in progress.

All the work will contribute to the modernization of the Cambridge factory's industrial facilities, a guarantee of improvement in terms of safety, reliability, and efficiency.

In this context, Egide USA has focused all its efforts on the continuous supply to the market of its specialized products, some of which are identified as strategic, while preserving, first and foremost, the safety of its employees.

Thus, since mid-July, several mitigation measures have been implemented in order to ensure service continuity for as many customers as possible: the majority of plating operations have been transferred to the Santier, Inc. facility in San Diego, California, USA (Santier, Inc. is AS9100 and NADCAP certified for surface treatment) and a small portion to the Bollène facility in France.

As a result, Egide USA was able to limit the impact of this incident on current customer orders and on its overall business.

As of today, Egide USA continues to ship orders to all its customers wherever they are.