Participants learn an eight-phase approach that covers everything from pre-planning to tactical planning, incident reponse to post-event debriefings. - 911 Industrial Ltd. screen capture

Participants learn an eight-phase approach that covers everything from pre-planning to tactical planning, incident reponse to post-event debriefings.

911 Industrial Ltd. screen capture

NCED is launching a series of five webinars covering an eight-phase approach to incident scene management. The structured approach is designed to safely resolve hazmat incidents.

Hazmat incidents are low frequency but high risk. When responding to such incidents, responders often get limited time to make life or death decisions. Through NCEC’s liaison with first responders, we know that there can be a lack of a structured logical approach to implement at such incidents, which combined with limited training and exercising opportunities mean that responders can struggle to deal with hazmat incidents, especially when compared to other more common incident types.

The subject matter experts at the Hazmat Academy, most of them ex-first responders themselves, have developed a structured eight-phase approach to incident scene management. This approach is formed to dispel the myth that hazmat is a dark art and to simplify response to an incident involving hazardous materials, bringing it to a successful conclusion.

These eight phases cover everything from pre-planning for a hazmat incident and tactical planning, the implementation of a tactical plan, dealing with priority rescues with limited resources, through to closing it down and post incident considerations covering crew welfare, the importance of debriefing, and sharing the lessons learnt.

NCEC’s Hazmat Academy experts will be taking a more detailed look at each of the eight phases of incident scene management, and how responders from both the public and private sectors can best prepare themselves to deal with hazmat incidents.

The aim is to help responders be safe, effective, competent, and confident during their response to an incident involving hazardous materials. If you respond to such incidents, whether that be as an operational crew member or in an incident command capacity, or are involved in the training of response teams, then join our Hazmat Academy experts for this virtual series.

Register once for the series, and we will send you a reminder before every webinar. The virtual series is free to attend and we welcome as many participants from your organization as you would like.

Click here to register.