Security or Pseudo Security?
Do all those flashing lights and jarring alarms going off at the guard shack in your industrial facility represent security or pseudo security?
Do all those flashing lights and jarring alarms going off at the guard shack in your industrial facility represent security or pseudo security?
Working any kind of firefighting magic at an industrial conflagration requires one basic component – water.
Each monitor nozzle must have a clear path to the protected object and the monitor must be placed close enough for the discharging water to reach the object with enough authority to protect it.
When it comes to a high pressure vapor release, the billowing apparition rapidly enveloping the facility is not as dangerous as what might already be much closer.
ATF investigation at West, Texas, focused on criminal possibilities rather than inherent instability of the explosive fertilizer.
Building was undergoing demolition at the time of the blaze.
Irony is defined as expressing one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite. For an example look no further than the recent Labor Day celebration in Philadelphia barely two months after an explosion and fire closed the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery complex.
As technological advancements have emerged to make our fire world safer and lower risk to manage emergency incidents, it’s easy to numb our human senses that tell us danger is near.
Thirty-six hours into the Deer Park fire, the call went out to Dwight Williams who, in turn, brought on board Chris Ferrara of US Fire Pump. Together they mustered a team of exceptional firefighters both young and, uh, mature to tackle the terminal fire.
Long range environmental concerns threaten to torpedo the use of fluorinated surfactants in Class B firefighting foam.
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