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Shell Responder Grew up With Refinery Business

Refineries were an essential part of life where Shell process operator and emergency responder Victoria Reneau grew up.

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Chevron's Approach to Industrial Fire Training

On average, Chevron brings about 200 participants through Brayton every year with corporate fire schools scheduled for March, April, and May.

LyondellBasell Brings ERT to Brayton Fire Training Field

LyondellBasell’s manufacturing holdings in Pasadena, Texas, is so vast an enterprise that the single corporate fire brigade covering the three separate plant sites requires two fire chiefs to operate.

IAFC, Saudi Aramco Partner to Change Culture

Saudi Aramco, one of the world’s largest companies with one of the largest industrial fire brigades, recognized this fact when it turned to the IAFC to help it bring about significant culture change within its Fire Protection Department.

Refinery Keeps Tabs on Firefighter Health

One phrase uttered by Dr. Ellyn McIntosh could temporarily end the fun for any emergency responder tackling live-fire training projects during the recent PBF Energy corporate school in Texas, "You're outside the parameters."

PBF Energy's Four-Day Fire School

Corporate school concentrates on rapid rotation.

Industrial Emergency Services' Fire Protection Services

IES gives industry a third choice in providing plant fire protection

Pine Bend Refinery's Volunteer Fire Brigade

A Minnesota refinery brigade unites management, personnel, and the community in its protection strategy.

Volunteer Refinery Brigade's TEEX Training

Lyle Hawsey, safety and security coordinator for ConocoPhillips' Lake Charles refinery, brought his responders to the Texas fire field for hands-on exercises.

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Louisiana Refinery Brigade Trains at TEEX

Travel keeps Louisiana responders sharp.

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