Firefighters attack burning paper stored outside a recycling plant in Spain. - Screencapture Via Generalitat de Catalunya Bombers

Firefighters attack burning paper stored outside a recycling plant in Spain.

Screencapture Via Generalitat de Catalunya Bombers

A paper recycling mill reported its third major fire in 45 days Sunday evening in the province of Girona in Catalonia, Spain.

At about 6:39 p.m. firefighters received the first alarm on a fire at the Residus Auladell paper mill in Sarrià de Ter. The fire broke out paper waiting outdoors to be processed into fuel pellets to be burned.

Inside 45 minutes seven fire crews responded to the scene with another four held in reserve nearby. Concrete walls surrounding the burning waste helped firefighters contain the blaze.

The same mill reported fires on May 22 and June 6, local media report. The fire on May 22 took nearly 24 hours to bring under control and forced an area evacuation.