
National Foam announced that it will discontinue the sale of all PFAS-based foam concentrates into the State of Maryland effective March 1, 2021. More than 20 states have implemented legislation restricting the sale or use of firefighting foams manufactured with intentionally added PFAS chemicals. National Foam will continue supplying Maryland with its award-winning synthetic fluorine free product offering for various end uses.

  • UniversalF3 Green® 3% x 3% synthetic fluorine free foam UL/ULC and LASTfire listed with hydrocarbon and polar solvents in fresh and saltwater for fixed systems and fuel in depth fires.
  • MuniF3 Green Plus® 3% (Class A/B) municipal firefighting synthetic fluorine free foam concentrate UL/ULC listed with hydrocarbon fires and covers various blends of gasoline including E15 (15% ethanol/gasoline blend) with fresh and brackish water.
  • MuniF3 Green® 3% (Class A/B) municipal firefighting synthetic fluorine free foam concentrate UL/ULC listed formulated for hydrocarbon spill fires and can be used as a wetting agent combating structural and wildland fires.
  • AvioF3 Green KHC 3% (ICAO C) is the industry’s first fluorine free film forming synthetic firefighting foam concentrate designed for ARFF vehicles, oscillating monitors and handlines on Jet A and Jet A1 fuels.

The­­se National Foam synthetic fluorine-free concentrates are 100% biodegradable as well as GreenScreen Certified™. GreenScreen chemical hazard assessments require a comprehensive toxicological review of 18 human health and environmental hazard endpoints, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, acute and chronic aquatic toxicity, endocrine activity, persistence, and bioaccumulation.

National Foam “RED ALERT®” 24/7 emergency firefighting foam service will continue to support Maryland’s municipal and industrial firefighters with its UL/ULC and LASTfire listed UniversalF3 Green® synthetic fluorine free foam concentrate.